JVIO - Philosopher & Entrepreneur

Philosopher & Entrepreneur
Let's make the world better

I love being a philosopher and entrepreneur, because I’ve learned how to turn thoughts into actions. I’m proud that I am not afraid to fail, as this makes me resourceful and a fast learner. I like being a generalist that puts things in perspective, as this makes me an open-minded and original strategist. And I envy the experts, but this only keeps me motivated to never stop learning.

I have pitched millions of ideas, launched startups, ran (crowd-) funding campaigns, implemented marketing strategies, created meaningful brands, and always delivered beautiful results.

I easily switch from macro to micro and always see room for improvement. I can handle the technical details, but also communicate with a non-technical audience. I’m at my best when I can use my creative mind to turn challenging problems into concrete solutions. I keep pushing.

My ultimate dreams are to walk on the moon and to unite reason and faith. In the meantime I love to work on projects that challenge the status quo. Need help with that?

Things that drive me.
To become a man of value.


Philosophy means ‘love for wisdom’. This means you cannot possess wisdom, you can only strive for it. I try to acquire knowledge in all areas of life, but my main interests lie in economics, politics and history. My favorite philosopher is probably Socrates: at least, all quotes on my resume are his!


I have a very broad general interest, but I’ve come to learn that I’m triggered most by innovative solutions and new technologies. Things like human space travelblock chain, and the collaborative economy will have a big impact on our future.


Almost all sports can be inspiring. Unfortunately we don’t have time to practice all of them, but you could cross my path on the field/court while I’m playing football or squash; and in the wild when I’m cycling or snowboarding. I also visit the Amsterdam Arena regularly to support my club: Ajax!


The Dutch word ‘gezelligheid‘ is considered an untranslatable, and it is deeply ingrained into Dutch culture. I enjoy and search for it in all its forms: whether I’m playing board games, going out dancing, having dinner with friends or spending quality time with family!

“Let him that would move the world
first move himself.” – Socrates

  • Jasper had a totally new digital platform up and running in no-time: from branding and strategy to development and marketing. He is a very versatile digital native that will be an impulse to any team.
    Rens Benjamin
    @ Bouwexpert.online
  • Jasper really strives to make the world more open, transparent and equitable. Jasper added clear value to our company – such as introducing the first teacher community day – and he did so with a positive attitude.
    Pim Bellinga
    @ Grasple
  • Jasper has made a valuable contribution to MrFix at a critical stage. He made a decisive difference in improving our CRM and other systems to further automate our service fulfilment process. Jasper combines good knowledge of tech tools with enthusiasm and drive. He is very pleasant to work with and was an asset to our team.
    Michiel Ybema
    @ MrFix
  • Jasper created my personal brand flawlessly and I receive compliments for it all over the world.
    René Strik
    @ SIA Management
  • We are very impressed with the speed of production and the creativity Jasper showed while working towards the beautiful end product. We learned a lot from him when it comes to digital identities and web development.
    Jan van Dort
    @ DataChain
  • Jasper is a true go-getter, super creative, punctual, honest, entrepreneurial and very clever. I really loved it how he helped me with all the little details, how he shared his thoughts and how he kept going, with passion and determination.
    Elard Tissot van Patot
    @ Toss It Online
  • As Non-Executive Director of Crowdlottery.com I can say that launching the crowd lottery concept and obtaining a gambling license is a very impressive achievement that shows Jasper’s vision and perseverance.
    Willem van Oort
    @ Gran Via Online

I like to use my wit to push ideas and concepts forward.
Need help to challenge the status quo?

Send an email to hello@jasperversteege.io 

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